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Holistic detox diet - holistic ward fare

20-12-2016 à 06:44:26
Holistic detox diet
It is the candida in your body dying off. I love coconut oil and use it everywhere on my body, never had a problem. My 50 pound dog, for example, needs 2 pounds of meat daily to maintain his weight. And the second tip was to seal the clothes in a bag, and stick them in the freezer overnight. 11 Can you use the rhassoul clay instead. Boil about a cup of water add 2-4 tablespoons of oats. It has literally changed my life, and the life of my newborn baby. For years I have been struggling with natural deodorants giving me bad rashes after 2 weeks of using them. Whether one has any extreme or just needing to calm their upset stomach, DigestZen is our go-to. I finally bought some of the clay and did two days of the detox. that delivers pre-packaged raw meat to your door that I have found is REEL RAW. I am sure I will try to detox my armpit any day. lori says: 97 I am definitely trying the armpit detox. Again, thanks so very much for the apple cider vinegar recommendation. Share your thoughts with our readers Write a review. IT IS SO WORTH IT TO DO THIS. For the first week or two I had a rash but only under one arm. Then use that to add with ACV - they likely lap it up. Beth says: 96. And after that you can start adding more Baking Soda or a drop of essential oils. The wonderful Theresa from Minneapolis, MN has been helping pet owners and their beloved pets around the world on Earth Clinic since 2013. Andrea T says: 17 I ran out of regular deodorant about a month ago and decided to make your recipe. I did however not used any deodorant for 3 day before trying the homemade stuff. Here is a great article from natural news Thanks for your site. You can be vegan but they are not designed to eat bread. After your article about the magnesium spray, I even tried that, but again the lumps returned. I will try the detox and see if it makes a difference. I usually buy organic apple cider for cleaning my fruits and vegetables. It is 100% Natural, safe if ingested - do call a vet to ask how much to give, Like with AVC I only use a few drops in my birds drinking water and their bath water. Thank you for sharing all of your great ideas. I hope your guy starts feeling better and really believe the Platinum might help. Dogs need a raw diet comprised of muscle flesh, bones, organs, offal, sinew, fur, oils and from a variety of species to be healthy. and it works great to guard against the bacteria that causes odor. 2 Any particular brand of white vinegar. When I first stopped using deodorant I had some odor problems, but only for a week or so. Salt is a natural antibacterial, microbial, etc. COM) and order their kit - you have nothing to lose. I suggest you go to their website (NZYMES. My armpits have turned dark and I was wondering why. 3. I have a homemade antiseptic that I LOVE. One thing I would like to share for days when is the use of plain lemon juice as deodorant. We went to an allergist who did muscle testing and found that she was fructose intolerant. I started this detox this week, after not wearing deo for a few days (I was just wiping my pits down with ACV and that seemed to work for a few hours). C Jones says: 1. Soy can cause allergies in animals and people - processed the way it is in the US, it is not a form we should be ingesting. I too had this problem after switching to magnesium oil as my deodorant. I rubbed it on the spots and started giving him 1 teaspoon a day internally working up to 1 tablespoon a day. If you would like to thank Theresa for her helpful posts, she asks if you would please consider making a donation to one of her favorite local rescue organizations, or by making a donation to help the genius contributor, Ted from Bangkok, recover from his stroke. Kate says: 81 I had some of the mixture left over, can I cover it and use it tomorrow. My German Shepherd has the same skin issues. If you would like to thank Theresa for her helpful posts, she asks if you would please consider making a donation to one of her favorite local rescue organizations, or by making a donation to help the genius contributor, Ted from Bangkok, recover from his stroke. says: 8. Atvchick95, the intestinal flora (supported by probiotics) is located in the gut. To the woman who recommended Primal and Orijen dog food, the oprative words are diversified RAW MEAT not RAW FOOD. Thanks Katie for doing research on such important topics. I did not experience any redness or itchiness. 1 Baking soda also caused my underarms to be red and sore, which is sad since when I first started using it (mixed with arrowroot and dusted on with a big puff) it worked much better than regular natural or otherwise deodorants. I also switched to waxing rather than shaving, thinking that I was maybe allergic to the razors, and that also seemed to help get rid of the itch but not until I found that my sheets needed to be scent free. Adding vegan to the meat is fine, but in no way vegan should be a primary food for a dog. To Roop: My dog has the same problem with a yeast dermatitis. It might take up to a year, there are no instant miracle cures. Most big-brand foods are absolute garbage and contribute greatly to health problems due to them being nutritionally deficient. I get a lot of questions from people who try my homemade deodorant or deodorant bars and have issues with rashes or odor or excessive sweat. Could it be the essential oils (someone had told me it may be). The wonderful Theresa from Minneapolis, MN has been helping pet owners and their beloved pets around the world on Earth Clinic since 2013. 1 Rub lemon under your arm for 3-7 days in the shower change your natural deodorant every 6 mo. TRY this neutriceutical site for a good solution. With a couple of weeks of use, this might naturally assist with both problems. I have tried both of the deodorants they produce, and they both work really well. If you will feed your sweet pets a diversified raw meat diet, most if not all of their problems will resolve themselves over time. However, I dare each of you to google side effects of frontline and read some of the posters comments. Just as dogs suffer from Lyme and other tick borne disease, they are susceptible to food borne illness. Ida Wayman says: I know this post is late but some thing that always works for my family for diarrhea is oatmeal water. Why not just keep using regular deodorant and avoid the whole problem. she is now 100% better. Ada says: 29. I had to say something about feeding dogs vegan. Unfortunately, ACV is expensive here in the Philippines. 1 I purchased it at a Fairway Supermarket. It will add to the list of ways you have helped make my life a little bit happier and healthier. Dawn Marie says: 39. I would never, ever give my dog anything on a daily basis (for three months) that changed her body chemistry. Candida is the usual culprit as well as being dehydrated. Mary says: I also use coconut oil (but also add lavender essential oil. THEN I repaired our (stacked on top of washer) dryer by myself. I just bought a bottle today after reading ACV and Yogurt as an alternative treatment for red scaly itchy paw and vulva. I was still very sweaty and began to have trouble with body odor. 2 The only time I had a problem with sever itching was when I had a fungal infection in my armpits. You can also you the oil version, like Linda said, and rub it on your stomach topically. It all started with huge lumps appearing in my armpits- like really nasty pimples. They are out there now and are very reasonably priced. 0 are too acidic and of more concern. I did think it would help with the itching (it is awesome with cuts burns and rashes) but to stop the odor surprised me. 17 Remember that diarrhea is usually the body getting rid of something hurting it. I was looking for itchy feet remedies and came across my own post. I use several of their products and was thinking about trying their coconut oil deodorant. Paige says: 1. 1. Quimby says: 56 Katie, your magnesium oil post changed my life. 1. 1 I would also like to know if this is safe while breastfeeding. Simone says: 19. They need meat, fat, skin, edible bone and organs (especially liver). I used to add high quality bread to their meals before I discovered recently that I cannot tolerate gluten. With skyrocketing rates of breast cancer, it would seem prudent to avoid these chemicals until further research is done. 3. o. I also use the natural heartworm product, HWF to prevent heartworm (one week a month). Tanya says: 100 Can you do this while pregnant. Please be safe and do your own research from independent sources before giving an oil to a child. So my question is, can I use this instead of buying bentonite clay for the purposes of using it up for detoxing my pits. I have had a terrible armpit oder for about 2 years and I refused to use antiperspirant. Your turn. My dog has chronic ear infections itches all the time and has a bad odor. FYI. After a year, I suddenly got rashes under both arms. It took about a month for it to go completely away once I switched deodorants but it worked. I hope that overtime, more people complain and stand up to these big companies and demand change. Remember that our body maintains a blood Ph of 7. Blue buffalo does not contain corn, wheat or soy. This important lesson - that each of us can be a teacher - was a turning point for Theresa, and. 1. More than likely you have noticed that your dog hides or gets nervous when it is time for his flea treatment, and that is why. And should I not use anything after or try the magnesium oil again. Filed Under: Natural Remedies Print Friendly This post contains affiliate links. If you look up the particular one you have posted it says it contains lead. Hair is very thin, two weeks ago he was pulling his own hair out, licks his paws all the time, itchy. I make homemade coconut milk kefir. An application of apple cider vinegar (ACV) can help your poor pooch. That said, return to nature and eat whole foods. I was online tonight researching why the clay made the difference (I know it pulls toxins, but I was looking for sthg more specific) and I stumbled across your post. Aimee, buy vinegar from coconut stands on roadsides they sell by the gallon for PHP 60 same acidity level as ACV. In reference to the comments about Frontline and the other flea and tick topical medications: Please be advised that it contains the exact thing that we use to kill termites. Hmmmm Meggan says: 1. Misty says: Linda, Thanks so much for the reply. Thank you so much for the Apple Cider Vinegar recommendation. Parsley is supposed to help with odor and I feel it does for me. I have a question for the woman who puts Frontline on her dog. Heather Braglia says: 53 This sounds like it would be a great alternative to deodorant. When you add an alkali to something that is acidic, the acidity decreases and the alkalinity increases. Katie - Wellness Mama says: 102. I have been using this unrefined himalayan salt internally for about a month and have had great improvement with my health. Tammy says: 103 I am curious to know if the detox for the armpits will work for my son who has psoriasis. 5 She is most likely mineral deficient, especially magnesium. I am also dry brushing but have only been doing so for about 30 days. Fruit and bread is way too much sugar for a dog, or a human. I have quite a few details to include here for people who may try this, just based on our experience: 1. The next morning, turn the washer back on and finish the cycle. Some veg and fruit are good but stop the grains. 1 I use baking soda too as a deodorant but I got lazy with making it. If you got diarrhea after applying the armpit detox, it may be that you had a lot of toxins that needed to be flushed out. My dog had serious scabs and skin infections all over his belly 2 years ago. On the other hand, my dad has always had a lot of body odor. You are so innovative and that keeps me always coming back to read your blog. DONT give them ACV in drinking water for extended periods of time. The main ingredient has been listed as one of the most highly carcinogenic substances ever tested - for humans as well as dogs and cats. 10. You do not give this to a animal every day for a long period of time and I think the amounts on this blog is way too much to give to any animal I use it on my parrots about 3xs a year(it cured a tumor on a parakeet I owned in the past) and I only use 1-3 drops max in the water never any more than that. Theresa from Minneapolis was born and raised in the inner city, always wishing she had been raised on a farm. My family and community truly appreciate your dedication. Katie - Wellness Mama says: 47. I also make a detoxing hair mask with Dead Sea Mud, a Detox Charcoal Soap, and a Magnesium Mineral Lotion made with not only magnesium oil, but Himalayan salt. The other recipes using baking powder were horrible for my skin. Have you tried any lavender oil after shaving. Remember that our body maintains a blood Ph of 7. Not too tasty but it stops diarrhea in its tracks. It worked- his ears cleared up and he has not had any other problems. I noticed a marked improvement in less than a week. This will leaves a very thin residue to handle deodorizing throughout the day. 3 The only articles I can find are written by those who stand to gain from clay sales. Aimee DaBell Johnson says: 1. Katie - Wellness Mama says: 10. I just spray it on after the shower and it works great. 3. I think it was from some sort of contamination on a store-bought stick of conventional deodorant. Then I would take an antihistamine to see if that would calm the itch which it did. I found in the past that when I was eating mostly raw vegan, I stopped having to use deodorant and have no smell. 1 Can you explain how you do this. 1. I was loving the natural, non filmy feeling in my underarms. Lilac says: 76 Hey thanks for all the great stuff you keep posting. Jenna says: 96. These worked great when he could keep them down. If a dog is allergic to vinegar, he might vomit, scratch furiously, or have a similarly obvious reaction. I used acv after reading about it on the website and my doggie who was suffering from terrible skin problems, started looking so good, her hair was growing, there was no more scratching. Is that normal or should I add more apple cider vinegar. Anyway love your deodorant recipe ( I used the second one without shea butter) and surprised that it works as well as it did. Is it good to pour a little ACV into the dogs drinking water. 3. YOU have to use something to replace the GOOD bacteria like a probiotic. 1 You rub the milk of magnesium under your arm. Wash off in the shower or with a warm, wet washcloth. Thanks, by the way, for sharing your successes with the rest of us. I tried natural deodorant several times (used your 2 recipes with and without baking soda) and always end up with red, itchy lumps. Patra says: 1. It has worked wonderfully to give immediate relief. She was tested for mange, which was negative. Nadia says: 45 I was curious if you had any idea what could cause a person to have one very good armpit (as in, I could put my soda deo on once a week and be fine) and one that is out of control sweaty and stinky no matter what I do. I drink raw apple cider vinegar daily now too to clean my body inside. 5. Look up the symptoms and apply it I am sure a diet change will help tremendously I am just not sure what diet. 8. Moderation is key and a balance should be obtained. My hubby has been suffering with excess sweat and oder since we switched to natural deodorant. I talked about these before but they are endocrine disruptors and can negatively affect the immune system Why is this a big deal. and then ask your vet for a liver bile acids test. 2 I know this comment is a couple months old, but I wanted to respond. I could not believe it was this building up in the pores of my armpits. I used the cornstarch, coconut oil and baking soda recipe. I tried this and I noticed my armpits were significantly less stinky than usual. 7. 1 Forgot to mention that this is after using homemade deode of coconut oil, arrowroot, and baking soda, and that was after going off typical antiperspirants bc of cystic breasts. It is a general purpose food additive that functions as a firming agent. Go to any country where lamb or mutton is consumed regularly, you will understand. Now I could not even use the alcohol and not smell. How do you add the clay and not get a goppy mess. Jenna says: It could definitely be a fungal infection. I use white vinegar on a cotton pad and clean my face. 4 I use an Remington electric razor. 3. Mung beans, cooked and possibly other vegetarian things, again vegan, as dairy would probably not be given to them. I avoided these like the plague when I had SIBO but now believe that was a mistake. If you are making a meat or chicken base for dinner, put it in some water for a minute and let the water pick up some of the juice from the meat. We eat primarily organic fruits and vegetables plus soy products. I now worry about this, if its making me sick and want them out. They have a free pdf download of their protocol. I would get these large bumps along with smaller pimples and if I did not wear anti perspirant at any time I would get really offensive body odour. We are taking it one step at a time, but making progress. Recipe: peel a green plantain (very green, not turning yellow at all) slice it in pieces of 1 inch boil it in water add salt as you wish add white onion as you desire after the plantain is tender, blend it and serve it No fat, no bacon, no cheese, nothing else. It is very possible to do this for yourself. From Goggle: Alum (Ammonium Aluminum Sulfate) is a crystalline powder. 1 It was probably the baking soda. I would start with just coconut oil if I were you. 2. 1 I am allergic to the clay. For the first couple of months, I still had odor, but soon it disappeared. Check their teeth and then look at yours. The meat is a little expensive but the savings in Vets bills far out weighed the extra cost and Amber of course is my sweetie and worth more to me than any thing else, priorities, priorities. Give it a try and you will be amazed at the results and I work out at the gym every day. 1. Makes perfect sense to deter flees from the animal altogether. Good luck, Robert and Amber robert at consultant dot com. People are amazed at the odor control as well, even those who do long, hard workouts. In the last few years, I have found that foods that have no wheat, no corn, no soy and NO by-products are usually the best for your dog. This is a miracle because I usually start to drink around noon. Before I started making my own, I was having issues with pain and swelling in my armpits. I have used all the recipes from you, Wellness Mama. The ingredients are neurotoxins which make your pets blood so toxic it KILLS ticks and fleas and eventually your pet will develop fatal diseases and early death. Lesley says: 78 Just wondering if I can use bentonite clay from anywhere or does it have to be labelled for comestic use. Even if you are sensitive to the bentonite clay. I have been using it now for a few months and love it. Do you think I could detox the skin in my groin area (not the membrane, I know) with this detox mixture to reduce odor. And with us, once we started eating more lamb. Oils are amazing and powerful but the are potent and should be respected. I, myself, take raw ACV every day in my morning vitamin smoothy. She cannot tolerate beans or wheat anymore, and gets horrible cramping and bloating from both. Both have worked wonders on my skin and oral health. Only tried it with clay and water, so thanks for the tip on vinegar. It is a hotly debated additive in personal care products but the Environmental Working Group reports that it carries a moderate risk of immunotoxicity and allergies. I have gluten and dairy sensitivities too. All the medications never brought her to full recovery but acv is just great and has done so much good for my doggie. There is still sweat sometimes, but there is no odor to go with it. We had 3 dogs all with skin problems, itchy, hair loss. It took me about a month to complete the detox because I had used antiperspirant for 20 some years, but only took my husband about a week since he only used deodorant without antiperspirant 3. both are full of cheap veggy fillers which your dog cannot digest and of course are not good for him. Amanda G. Christy says: It depends a lot on what you eat as well, lamb can make your sweat have a very strong smell, most meat influences your sweat. (I was using those wind up solid anti perspiant bars). On an armpit topic, my dad is 78, and has never used deodorant. I now use the baking soda deodorant and work outside all day in Florida in the summer and no smell. ACV is a prebiotic which supports the intestinal flora to prevent the overgrowth of harmful bacteria. Charmaine says: 62 So I experimented this weekend. But it could also be just a fungal infection, I have it so I have to use natural deodorant. I juice with it because I unfortunately have mercury fillings in my mouth, so I tend to use cilantro as a buffer to prevent or rid my body of any mercury toxins. That quest for knowledge continues to this day, as new and old remedies alike are explored. I put rubbing alcohol in a small spray bottle and give myself a spritz under each arm. DO IT. I have stopped using all chemicals on my body four mo tha ago. Ditto the advice to upgrade the groceries - you want to feed only the best, top quality diet for momma and growing babies. You might also try having her take a tablespoon of coconut oil when she is constipated. DONT give them ACV for extended periods of time. I bathe my little one in Water and vinegar for any bugs or cuts that might be on her and within 24 hours all problems are solved. Do you have a recipe using the lavender oil. I found that bathing Zoey in Aveeno baby cream oatmeal body wash then rinsing her with ACV works wonders I also give her a bowl of organic plain yogurt with a little ACV. The only dog food Co. You might already have the ingredients on hand. Apple Cider Vinegar is the best preventative there is. Tiffany says: 46 Katie, I have kaolin clay on hand, but not bentonite clay. Either the oils are causing the rash or sometimes too much Baking Soda. I was often on low side of normal range but still considered normal via blood work. But small amounts with loads of blended veggies and supplements. This important lesson - that each of us can be a teacher - was a turning point for Theresa, and. Michele Zagorski says: 7 I have been making a detox deodorant for a while now. This is a wonderful home remedy, which I discovered on this site. Kelly says: 28. The ACV works and one should remember everything in moderation. I sometimes still have the feeling that I stink, so I will definitely try this detox. Betty says: 13. Spread in an even layer over the armpits and allow to sit for 5-20 minutes. Nope. If you mix it well, it does not separate. My first suggestion is diet change: I had to go through 18 months of healing my gut with no gluten products, alcohol, sugar, cow dairy, or night shades (potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, egg plant, and tobacco). 3. Try a food that is corn, soy, and wheat free. As of the present time, animal rescue is also doing some good now but it will take time yet to make a noticeable difference. 5 or higher are a bit too alkaline, but acidic readings below 6. Lisalynn says: 4. Yes, I still sweat sometimes but no odor at all. I also noticed someone comment saying her husband a chemist says it has aluminum in it. 2. I already use natural deodorant, and it does not irritate my skin, but I love the idea of trying this to reduce odor and sweat once after transitioning back to the natural deodorant. We have a son who grew up in Saudi Arabia, and he loves lamb. Hopefully it works for me like it did you. To Roop from Singapore: Hi Roop, MMS is safe for pets also at dosage of 2 drops per 25 lbs, but you might first try a saturated solution of baking soda applied 3 or times per day. Your claim of Himalayan Crystal Salts being not found in nature is baseless and unfounded. Since switching I havent had hardly one break out. 6 How often can we do the armpit detox. I have a top loading washer and I get to dictate the amount of water I use, so I can make sure my clothes are good and covered. Jeni says: 6. That kind of diet will catch up to them causing health problems down the road. Some of the foods I have found that work best are found at feed and seed stores around the country. 2 to 6. Dogs can not survive well on a vegan or commercial grain dog food. 1 Try the magnesium body butter on this website. Did you ever figure out a cause and cure for your intense itching. Not puss like I was expecting, but pure deodorant. I believe not wearing aluminum deodorant has kept him from getting or at least delaying this horrible disease. Just wet the bar and rub against your skin. Anyway I am so excited to have found something not ony nontoxic and gut for the ph levels, but also much less expensives than the store bought stuff. I mix the ACV in a little broth from anything with a taste they like. By the way, I do this in the mornings and apply magnesium oil to my armpits in the evening on the same day. You may have given too much as it is oly 1 tsp for 50 lb dog and one should use it on and off not steady for 3 straight months. That is a lymph node and they are a major part of your immune system. I take detox baths and I use bentonite clay masks on my hair and armpits. 10 Sounds like you need probiotocs. 4. The coconut oil and baking soda natural deodorant is detoxing. Since I made the switch- I have noticed that I sweat less than before and I have NO body odor. Can you explain how this would be different from conventional deodorants. Very strange, since I hardly ever get diarrhea. This might help the problem with the itchy rash as well, as sometimes this seems to be a reaction of the very alkaline baking soda with remaining acidic chemicals in the skin from past products. Smells like metal and smells like old lunch meat, as well as burning tires. Candace says: 1. 2 Gurl just use coconut oil. 1 The itching I have experienced is, interestingly, on the non-dominant side. Do you think detoxing would help diminish the smell. My 11-yr-old Golden mix had a gurgling stomach frequently. Heard about it a while ago and decided to try it. A detox may help, or you could try the deodorant spray instead: Hunt Decker says: 88 Use Phillips Milk of Magnesia on your armpits and be done with all the other methods. Like you I would bleed from scratching because the itch was bad. We struggle with her food preferences, but she has voluntarily gone gluten free this last month and we are working on removing grains from our diet as a family. Like anything else - water for example - Baking soda in large quantities can be toxic. Paddy says: I used Organic, Cold Pressed Coconut Oil as well. organic applecider vinegar Dorian says: 1. Gwen says: 34. 1 Lisa, sorry to burst your bubble, but Original Himalayan Crystal Salts are not naturally found in nature. 5 due to his system being too alkaline. 1. 3. diamond does. However, not everyone agrees that apple cider vinegar should be given to dogs. She felt better after having 2 steroid shots, but she gained so much weight and I know the dangers. Plus if the neighbor does not effectively treat, the problem still surrounds your pet. Pat says: 1. I had heard of and began to utilize the benefits of old school uses with hydrogen peroxide. In the case of pests or parasites, bathe your dog and then apply a 50:50 mix of apple cider vinegar and water. Megan says: 2 I think I need to try this. When I adopted my dog, they said that the first 2 ingredients should be protein. Considering the size of fleas in that hot climate, it is amazing how well these dogs looked. He now only has a seasonal attack maybe once a year instead of monthly. Aimee, ACV is not that expensive, try choosing other cheaper brands. Using baking soda creates an alkaline environment in your armpits, which is what prevents the bacteria that cause body odor from growing. Every home with dogs should have apple cider vinegar. You can also give apple cider vinegar to cats and horses. I have been aluminum deodorant free for a little more than 2 months and have been using the wellness mama homemade stick deodorant recipe. Thank you wellness mama Iris says: 12 I made a batch of your natural deodorant recipe and it works better than any natural store bought brand I have tried. You are giving small doses and it should hide it well enough. I would stop using my concoction and the brands I bought for a few days, try my natural deodorant once, and immediately break out. I still hope to give it a try at some point when I run out of my current jar. One day, I found this reciepe: coconut oil, cornstarch, baking soda, essential oil. Does anyone have a good remedy for getting rid of old body odor in clothing. Check the food you feed your dog, she might be allergied to sth Good luck. You could try doing the detox, which may help (my testers had good luck with that) or you could try switching to my spray recipe ( ) to see if it clears up. 13 applecider vinegar. Arthritis (4 ) Dull Coat Issues (3 ) ALL POSTS: APPLE CIDER VINEGAR FOR DOGS. With no skin reactions, ingrown hairs, or anything. The wonderful Theresa from Minneapolis, MN has been helping pet owners and their beloved pets around the world on Earth Clinic since 2013. Thanks, Katie Mary says: 45. Do you put it on your kids when they go out to play. Add a cup of baking soda to your wash load. Laquanda Fields says: 1. If you choose to feed your pet a raw meat diet, please take some time to read up on food borne illnesses. Gut healing protocols are also beneficial (glutamine, fermented foods ) and can be more effective over time as the intestines are cleared of old matter. Do you have any idea what might cause the rash even in my natural deodorants. Baking soda deoderant was completely inneffective for me, and the magnesium spray I tried for a month was not much better, and left bad red bumps. I want to make sure I use the right vinegar. After frustrating efforts to control underarm sweat and odor, I decided to try the same bentonite clay recipe I normally use on my hair on my armpits this time. I would probably start out with 4 ounces of water for this solution until you decide whether it is working against infection. I was wondering if you have a deodorant recipe that includes magnesium. You can add apple cider vinegar in capsules also. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for sharing your recipe and your wisdom. Thanks Katie - Wellness Mama says: 81. Taken orally or sprayed on topically, apple cider vinegar is great for skin conditions in dogs. ACV works well too but the odour is a little overwhelming. Gail Gardner says: 8. She suggested I start taking a magnesium supplement to see if I noticed any improvement. I made my own deodorant with arrowroot, a little baking soda, coconut oil, and lavender EO, and it still gave me a rash. Suzanne says: 1. In fact I spray my whole body with it after a shower, rub it in and then use apricot oil. Atvchick95 from Muncie recommended giving Aloe Vera to dogs.

It works a treat, but stings a bit if we forget to apply for a couple of days. Thank you so much. Google it. LeAnn says: 1. After reading through your site, I decided to give the Apple Cider Vinegar a try. GOOD NEWS: once done with detox, my sweat barely ever smells and I hardly ever sweat from my pits like I did with the bad antiperspirant. Apple Cider Vinegar for Fleas, Dog Allergies, and Wellness. I only need to apply it once every 4-5 days or so. You can also feed him yogurt, maybe even apply yogurt or a probiotic cream topically. The benefit is the alkalizing affect of the baking soda to help balance their PH. I find that the lymphs absorb magnesium oil better than the tough skin of my feet, especially after detox. To make saturated solution of anything just dissolve baking soda or whatever you think will be useful in water until no more will dissolve. Take one with each bowel movement and it usually clears it up between one and four times. I think it is important if a dog is used to meat from puppyhood onwards, it would be best to feed meat. Tim says: 3. So, I cut down the baking soda and used corn starch instead of arrowroot powder. If this is normal, how long can I expect this reaction. I thoroughly enjoy the information and the recipes, I have been looking for a site like this for years, so glad I stumbled upon it. Lab tests diagnosed struvite crystals in her bladder, which, the vet said, form when the urine is too alkaline. She did change her dogs diet to raw even though it was hard for her. I tried everything but nothing worked consistently until evco. Parabens mimic estrogen and the aluminum and all that has been linked to cancer. Al the best from Spain Jo says: 16. You put a little on your fingertips and rub it in. Apple cider will help with change of diet. I used blue buffalo food and recently switched to diamond. But after having pits that were raw, I had no choice. I also use it on my 10yr old son, who, like a couple other kids mentioned above, has always suffered from chronic constipation (ongoing, winning mission) as well as body odor. Anyways, to put a long story short, this post has come at the perfect time and is so relevent. Ear and Eye Infections (10 ) Allergies (7 ) Urinary Issues (4 ) Load More. I start with the Internal Gold Detox kit for both dog and cat but look at the other products and trust your inner voice. 1 Yes Kimberly says: 81. They work slightly differently but should still be effective. 14 try activated charcoal. I would be interested to know if those who have posted about this, have the trouble on the non-dominant side. Putting endocrine disruption chemicals directly on top of them is a great way to screw up your hormones and suppress immune function. 3. Let steep for a few minutes, strain and then drink the warm water. Added to water, the smell is strong because there is nothing masking it, but with food the smell of the yumminess is enough to negate the stinky ACV. My collie shephard had a ph reading of over 7. Amy says: 72 I became allergic to secret antiperspirant and I always had a horrid time with sweat sans b. A lot of the advice in this comment is extremely dangerous and irresponsible. Stephanie Moore says: You may actually be allergic to the nickel in the razors. Your dog is eating sickness and not good food. Wellness Mama says: 91. When I first started I had to apply it at least twice for best results. The first tip was to make sure to use hot water for washing. My husband has never had armpit odor or really any body odor. Many pets have recovered on this program that consists of sodium chlorite added to food and water (and applied topically to skin), plus a tincture of black walnut and olive leaf (yeast killers) added to food, and some antioxidant treats the dog loves. The Apple Cider Vinegar is an excellent addition but you are slowly killing your dogs by feeding an inappropriate diet. While ACV is acidic, it has an alkalizing effect when taken internally. 1 I also have Rosacia, and none of the Drs prescriptions helped. I have tried LOTS of natural deodorant products, some to work temporarily, others not at all, only to end up with itchy rashes. start slow, build up. There are dogs that do great and live long lives on any food, but those that have problems must be on their natural diets to stay healthy. Once a day. 2 Misty, oh so sorry. 1 If you have a local health food store, they may have it. They also need to be on the acidic side so they can digest their food and bone. Yes ACV, an acid, is very alkalizing to humans after digestion (Think potassium) and benefits our health. 1. Doing it improperly will make you and your pet very sick, and could easily kill your pet. I had gas and some intestinal things going on between sessions of detox. Mix a spoonful in half a glass of warm water, down it. When I notice I smell more than normal I use parsley in my diet. Sarah Hushbeck says: 67. 1 Glad it worked for you. And the newer ones like Advocate and Advantage are full of the chemical that has been most seriously implicated in the disappearance of the bees. When she was starting to develop, she went through a period where her armpit odor could knock back a charging bull. Kristi says: Patra, Please take the time to look up Himalayan crystal salt. The directions say not to take more than directed or they can cause diarrhea. Theresa from Minneapolis was born and raised in the inner city, always wishing she had been raised on a farm. Good Luck. LOL Linda says: 1. Then tested for an autoimmune disease, also negative. I put the mix in silicone cupcake molds and use as you recommend for lotion bars. Naturally, after this experience, I do not recommend apple cider vinegar for dogs. You ate the armpit mask and used the oral pill as a suppository. I was thinking about using the Benny Clay face mask on my armpits, but was too scared about the possible mess. 3. I have tried using a natural deodorant but that made no difference. 8 My husband and I detoxed our armpits about a year ago now, using this bentonite clay recipe on this site and we are so thankful we did. My legs could not handle detergents with scent that was one. The human digestion system is very different than that of a dog. I currently use the squeezable toothpaste, the body wash and the stick deodorant. I forgot to mention, unless it was removed, the name of the good dog food. What I do now is shave very infrequently. Yes ACV is alkalizing to humans and benefits our health. I had the baking soda rash, but found a few days of using tea tree oil first works very well. I recently switched from conventional deodorant to Crystal roll-on and was wondering why I now had acne looking bumps. 2 I will say that mine lasted several days. After much experimentation, research and help from a few brave friends, I found an unusual solution that works really well. I find i have less odor when armpits hair is removed. Val says: 94 2 questions: 1- I thought I read twice that bentonite clay contains a form of aluminum. Joel, B---- ORGANIC APPLE CIDER VINEGAR but the most important things are a raw meat diet and NO stress. I think maybe you should read up on what your dog is really eating. After a couple of weeks, no more itching. 2 I have that on my left arm pit. I have the same issue, and you cannot find nickel-free razors, unfortunately. Often we see acidosis in combination with other conditions, such as kidney, liver, and adrenal problems. And my youngest, who is a young teen, has a normal amount. Keep in mind also, dogs require a significant amount of bulk if fed raw food. We are able to tell much easier now which foods are causing the bloating since she has been clearing out her impacted intestinal tract. Use only Apple Cider Vinegar that is organic and unprocessed. Food has definitely seemed to be the most defining cause for most of them. My pits looked like raw meat for a month 7. Side note: it is quite scary what they are allowed to put in our beauty products these days. I am currently using Royal and Rogue from primalpitpaste and it is amazing. 1 I will try the lavender oil. Check your dog for a liver shunt or liver issue. Thanks for the reply and again, sorry if my questions are silly. The ACV would have had nothing at all to do with the urine being too alkaline and thus developing crystals in the urethra, and in fact would have HELPED the situation by lowering the overall pH of the urine, making it more acidic. Raquel says: 57. I have a dog with kidney problems and a kitty with immune issues. It was white and buttery and smelled exactly like the deodorant itself. I have immunes and I was surprised by how much better I felt just rubbing out a few places like my legs, and my arms. 1 It would definitely be worth a try. I also rub it on his feet, which he LOVES. I just may get it now and switch every so often between it and the homemade one from Wellness Mama. They love to be clean. It occurred to me as I sat researching the sebaceous glands one night with a bentonite clay face mask on that perhaps my face mask was the answer to the armpit question as well. Jess says: 42 Would this be safe to try while pregnant. Has your dog been scratching itself obsessively, losing hair, trying to clean itself, developing an odor, or become picky over food. After reading about Apple Cider Vinegar as a remedy on your site, I started given it to my Boxer, Peaches, who has had recurring allergies and skin rashes. Thanks for all the great advice you post here. 5 When my father, who was sick, had diarrhea I use to cook green plantain soup for him and he was good pretty quickly. In response to some of the other reactions (vomiting can be an allergic reaction to vinegar) and doubts, here is something I came across while doing a bit of research on ACV for dogs prior to giving it to them. Juliek barr says: 73 I have been using straight ACV for a month now. 2 Kelly would you mind sharing the recipe or link. The other common single homeopathic remedies are podophyllum and arsenicum album a 12c or 30c. Katie - Wellness Mama says: 8. 1 Yes. They have several strengths and offer a free sample pack so you can try to pick what is right for you (you just pay shipping). 1 You could definitely use those clays and see how they do. The ASPCA toxic plants list says that Aloe Vera is toxic to dogs and cats. Mary says: 8. 5 shows a healthy pooch pH. Since she told me, I always wondered if commercial deodorants kill off any healthy microbe balance we are supposed to have. Angela Raum says: 1. Once upon a time I read a tip for getting persistent odors out of workout clothes. It was imperative to my health that I switch I have severe immune issues and a few other health issues. Fresh pet made my shih tzu really really sick. My armpits are a deep red, they are sensitive, itchy and the skin keeps peeling. (weird I know since they go together). Make sure to swish your water around as you drink as it settles at the bottom. Julie Rowe says: 9 Is it safe to do this arm pit detox while nursing. Except the animal will eat loads because the body is needing the vital, natural elements which is provided by nature, not by the pet food companies, who know what they are doing. Many articles have been written about the Ammonium Alum salts and potassium alum salts used in deodorants, they are anything but natural, and they are actually made in a lab. If you would like to thank Theresa for her helpful posts, she asks if you would please consider making a donation to one of her favorite local rescue organizations, or by making a donation to help the genius contributor, Ted from Bangkok, recover from his stroke. I battled for a while with finding an effective homemade deodorant that actually works that does not cause me rashes and redness. Candice says: 32 I switched using your deodorant recipe- THANK YOU. Wise up. About a month ago, quit using it after I ran out and was to lazy to make more. And ditched any anti perspirants which contained aluminium. This can be especially helpful after years of conventional deodorant use. Buying low grade meat and handling or storing it improperly is very likely to make you and your pet extremely ill. Lesley says: 30. The artic type is best, but a few spoons jam will do the trick. But when owned by a responsible owner, they are content, strong and super healthy. 4 Have you tried Magnesium capsules for her constipation. 1 Hi Miriam, could you please tell me how much of each ingredient you use. Two to look at to give you an idea of the quality you are looking for: Orijen (Canadian, free range) and Primal (real food in frozen form). amy says: 30 Is this safe to do while breastfeeding (asking since its a detox). Also, make sure to drink a lot of water any time you stimulate lymph flow (dry brushing, massage, detox, etc) to help flush the body and avoid getting dehydrated. Do NOT give the processed coconut oil-only virgin or extra virgin. Never had I considered something as simple as ACV for treatment. Her dog ended up doing well with alternative methods. Lymphatic Massage is a great way to detox your body but this cost less. Lyn says: I have used digest zen and similar blends for various tummy troubles. Please do not feed your dog(s) vegan or vegetarian diet. Steffi says: 43 Thank you very much for this article. She also now tolerates more fruit and veg than she did when she was younger, and we have seen a difference in her bloated belly. I am still new to the whole natural beauty idea and have been experimenting with some bad results. That quest for knowledge continues to this day, as new and old remedies alike are explored. Jessica says: 22. I will try this nightly for a week and report back. About 12 hours after shaving, like you mentioned, and then for the next 2-3 days. These comments made me realize that the aluminum in the stones is probably screwing up my pits. I only buy meat (his and my own) from local organic ranchers who I know and trust. Check their teeth and then look at yours. The dietary changes are not immediate or automatic, but they have made a huge difference. I have a big tub of calcium bentonite clay and was wondering what kind of bentonite you used. Some research informed me that apple cider vinegar has an alkalinizing effect in the body. Bren says: 71 I currently have four different deodorants and neither of them have been effective in ridding my left armpit of odor. I just spray my pits at night before bed for a couple of nights in a row. Recently I started using magnesium oil instead to stop irritation. Actually, no, when I was living in South India, I observed how those strong yellow short haired dogs were fed by their owners. Let the clothes agitate for a few minutes, then turn the washing machine off and let everything sit there overnight. Share your thoughts with our readers Write a review. 2 Can you use any clay. Andrea says: 23 So when should I do the detox. I simply cannot believe that there is an ad for Frontline on this page. 1 It makes the clay less effective Stephanie says: 48 Thank for the great suggestions. 1 Oh, I love Tropical Traditions. Ever since my 5th baby my I have had the worst BO I assumed 5 pregnancies forever altered my body chemistry. I did the detox then I started using my hand lotion as my deodorant, just swiping a little on after a shower. Primal diet is what they thrive on whether or not humans agree with it or not. To Roop from Singapore, Have you tried giving him Probiotics. This may cause some redness as it will increase blood-flow to the area, but it will go away quickly. As my boyfriend loves to tell me, natural deodorant doors not work for me. Ever gotten sick and had a lump in your neck or armpit. When I first added garlic into my diet (raw) my stools were pretty nasty for several days. 7 I think you can use the clay internally to help your tummy. The bentonite clay detox worked quicker, but I had to use wash cloths dipped in Epsom salt water under my pits, also, along with magnesium spray that burned like crazy, but that went away after a couple of weeks 6. I started with half the amount of Baking Soda right off the bat because I have sensitive skin, and it worked amazing until a week ago. Do you use half water and half apple cider and let them drink it or put it on their hot spots. Kidney and immune issues usually stem from bad food (there is lots of it out there). No more fearing the steroid shots at the vet. 3. I recently saw your post on the coconut oil pulling chews and am looking forward to trying those too. Then slowly add a tiny bit of Baking Soda to that. There was a veterinary school who actually followed Purina and several other big dog companies and found that they were taking dead dogs and cats out of dumpsters (some that died of cancer or other illnesses) and they grind this into your dogs food. Wellness Mama says: 70. Many times the best treatment is no treatment at all, let your dog get better on his own and make his immune system stronger. Emily says: My Grandparents swore by these for diarrhea. Janet says: 1. Since switching to natural deoderant my skin has cleared up tremendously so it clogs you up and the toxins really does affect you. I am totally ready to try an armpit detox. Any Vet you mention this too will not justify it. Heather says: My daughter ate nonstop, was always hungry, and SO gassy. A great advantage to doing an armpit detox, besides that it helps speed up the natural deodorant adjustment period, is that it might help pull some of these chemicals out of the skin and tissue of the armpits. Most commercial dog foods have very little protein and are chuck full of fillers. Kelly says: 22 Try putting the bentonite clay IN the deodorant. Speaking of, does anyone have any advice on treating diarrhea with an organic, non-toxic home remedy. That quest for knowledge continues to this day, as new and old remedies alike are explored. Not stopping eating the yummy pastured lamb, though. I use white vinegar on both my dogs and in my home, it is a natural Febreeze, my dogs do not smell like dogs. Most Popular Remedies: View Most Popular Remedies Table. I started out loving it on my armpits but after a week the itchiness got too bad. Joan says: 68 Regarding metals and or aluminum in the body, I read a article that drinking mineral water will help flush them or it from the body as well as from the brain, the article did not indicate whether the water could be carbonated or noncarbonated. You have to watch it everytime you buy a new bag. Do some research to find a food with acceptable ingredients. Robin says: 13. 6. Mary says: 1. 3. It took 2 weeks for the itching to stop and about a month for the acne breakout to stop. Report back as we can look at other remedies. I tried the crystal deodorant which turns out to be a form of aluminium and is supposed to be bad news too. What a happy coincidence, your posting about this topic today. One is 3 (Zuchon) and one is 6 (Schnoodle). While starting to use natural deo or before. Latifah says: 55 how often should this be done or before the switch. The article goes on with this info on testing and dosing. A high quality food must be given dogs with a yeast problem, along with regular baths in a medicated (but gentle) shampoo. Only downside is that it tingles the first few times because of the magnesium. 4. Volhard recommends one teaspoon to one tablespoon twice daily for a 50-pound dog. I have been feeling really sick, fatigued lately. It sounds a bit gross but its really soothing and I am always amazed at how well it works. and I forgot to use it a few days. 5 Is this safe to do while breastfeeding. I also substitute shea butter for some of the coconut oil to help prevent the overdrying effect of the baking soda. This salt comes from the Himalayan Mountains and has been used for thousands of years by the people of that region and beyond. I made my deodorant from arrowroot powder and virgin coconut oil with a couple drops of tea tree essential oil. Lisa says: 53. Renee says: 13. I have it in a spray bottle and use it when I get out of the shower. Depending on the breed my friends dog had crystalized urine also because of all the medication. It is a mixture of Kaolin and Montmorillonite clays, both of which are highly adsorbent and it also says in the description they draw out toxins from the skin like a magnet. Joanna says: 69 I was genuinely shocked, but this actually works. I also got a rash at first and just adjusted the amount of baking soda. Ida says: 29 Where can I buy bentonite clay other than online. Sherry Fortner says: I use straight tea tree oil and it works great. I feel like this is great timing to do this detox. Seriously it works and I havent even broken out since switching. My 8 year old daughter has struggled with cronic constipation her whole life and nobody seems to care. Itchy skin and constant licking of the top of his paws causing sores. The symptoms of acidosis range from diarrhea or constipation to low blood pressure, hard stools, and sensitivity of the teeth and mouth. 3 Yes I used to have the same problem. Wondering if could that be what gave me diarrhea. I will see if she shows signs of discomfort before using any more. Your body needs to release the waste products. Repeat daily or as needed until under-arm odor goes away and natural deodorant is non-irritating. I happen to be a type O, and apple cider vinegar has always made me feel miserable. Look at the latest statistics for the Atlantic Institute EO adverse reaction database. 18 Grate an apple on a plate. I read that it is toxic for them to ingest it. I finally found a recipe using bentonite clay, coconut oil, and baking soda that works on my sensitive skin. Then a new doctor came into our local practice and suggested I had an undiagnosed thyroid problem given my symptoms. It sounded like a harmless and potentially helpful remedy, so I tried it. Braggs is your perfect choice, although I have seen other brands recently. The natural deodorants are all I need, and maybe once a month or so I will need to spray magnesium spray on my pits due to a bit of extra odor (indicating low magnesium level in my body) but it goes away in a few days. AnnMarie says: 1. When I rescued my sweet Amber she was 10 lbs under weight, had lyme disease, had a demodex mite infestation, and needed a good teeth cleaning. The freezing temperature supposedly helps to kill any residual bacteria that is triggering odor. Put half in spray bottle and fill the other half with water. It should actually be 2 tsps either in their water or food. But the same may apply to absorption through skin too. 3. I never noticed as a kid, but my mom told me he has never used deodorant a few years ago. Cathy says: 6. Just keep up underarm detox and dry brushing and things should soon be back to normal. I will keep you posted on the development. I use tepid water, good conditioner and let them air dry in warm weather. 1 Hi, I did this armpit detox for three days straight, 10-15 minutes each time. Other people with Lyme say theirs smells like ammonia. As an Anatolian owner for more than 20 years, I have dealt with all kinds of allergies. The rash only went away when I stopped using deodorant completely for about a month. You can also spray your dog with apple cider vinegar before going out for a walk, in order to repel fleas and ticks naturally. I still use the natural with no problems and it last. Everytime I get a smell though its on my dominant side. Claire says: 53. Debbie says: 21 How do you get fuller lips naturally. I kept with it though, and shortly after began to see huge improvements. Thank you, for all you do to help educate us about wellness. As for my battle with natural deodorant in the past, heres my experiences. The tea tree scent only lasts a few minutes. Google Candida symptoms and see if any of those apply to you. Another hormone disruptor and parabens have been found in biopsied tissue with breast cancer Antibacterial Substances-. Kirsten says: 1. My name is VALERIE and I am so concerned. 1 Junie: I have 2 suggestions after a very similar experience. The deodorant is a lotion, rather than a bar or stick. Ive recently been using the magnesium oil but am deficient so I get the BURN but not only that, the magnesium is detoxifying and bringing out the toxins to the surface aswell. For constipation we just started using an oxygenated magnesium that gently liquifies the impacted stool and also helps rebuild good flora (called Mag07). The top remedy for this condition: Ear and Eye Infections (10 ). I just know you should drink plenty of water with it. The vet put him on Clavamox but said the crystals were due to his system being too alkaline. This important lesson - that each of us can be a teacher - was a turning point for Theresa, and. If your dog had a struvite crystal blockage, it was due to one of two things - improper diet or not enough water, more likely the former than the latter. This just happened to me (rash and darkening underarms) and I was going to cut out the baking soda all together. Marilu Ickes says: 1. AVC KILLS THE BAD AND GOOD BACTERIA IN THE GUT rather its human, dog, cat, bird etc. I wanted to add some notes on apple cider vinegar for dogs. Try virgin or extra virgin coconut oil topically and give internally also. I have recommended ACV to many people and 99% have been helped. Kasandra says: 92 could this help whiten the armpits. Since most vets are urged to recommend certain brands of food, they are not always the most reliable advisors on the subject. His skin got better within a couple of days and continued to improve until the infections went away-about 5 days. He did start throwing up with too much probiotics though. However, we always use Frontline for our critters. You need to find the culprit so you can find relief. Is there something else I can use instead of the clay. She must have been right because it not only decreased my sweating, but also the body odor. 1 You might try having her take a bath at night, rather than a shower. Theresa from Minneapolis was born and raised in the inner city, always wishing she had been raised on a farm. After endless research of reviews and questions, I started him on Platinum Performance Skin and Allergy on his food and it has helped a lot. 8. Switched to a good dry food and within a week all of them stopped the itching. I emmediatly thought about lymphatic drainage and actually gave myself a full body massage, (as best as I could) I woke up feeling wonderful. What a great idea, we already use this on our faces. 1 Some people have a strong reaction to the baking soda in the deo. Will do this detox. It also kills any kind of worms that a person or pet can have. Ianthina says: 25 Oh dear god I need this. She did allergy treatments through acupressure while holding the allergen then avoiding it completely for 25 hours. I tried your natural deodorant and found it irritated my underarms. Wendy says: 33 As a woman already commented above, you really are reading our minds. Do you have to keep your arms up to let it dry. Ammonium anything is created in a lab setting and is combined with Aluminum same as Alum. Should I not use anything after washing this mixture off. They have beautiful coats and NO skin problems. 6 Why is this post even still here. My chihuahua is 4 and has lost most of her hair and scratches until she bleeds. Lisa Jessica says: 5 is this detox safe to do while pregnant. If I ever hear his stomach churning a bit, I give him a droper-full and it goes away within the hour. They do not thrive on that diet and is not healthy for them. I struggled for years with boils and blackheads under my arms and finally decided it had to be the deodorant. I mention this because apple cider vinegar also works for people. A dogs average life span is into twenty plus years so you can see what 100 years of commercial food and Veterinary care have done to them. Katie - Wellness Mama says: 29. 1 I have hesitated to use benetonite clay over the years because of lead concerns as well. Just adding some warm water to a (high quality, please) kibble will create a broth. My dogs are unusually healthy due to this but my 16-year-old collie shephard recently developed blood in his urine due to crystals. I was reading everyones blogs, and noticed one that said if your dog has yeast problems use white vinegar instead of acv. The worst are the flea and tick and heart worm poisons which will KILL your sweet pet over a period of time. 1 I do them every few weeks to a month as maintenance. One question: would you also recommend this armpit detox for children. We are trying to convince our entire family to do this. Their system is much shorter and more acidic. So one day I squeezed this really huge bigger than a pea sized pimply lump and guess what came out. A reading of 6. They are fed betel leaf for deworming, especially for puppies. Every time I get an upset stomach and diarrhea I take 10 drops of it with a small amount of water and it goes away almost immediately. Candace says: 10. I have been using it for over a year now with excellent odor control and no rashes. I believe evco also has other positive properties. I understand that you are a groomer and go by the book, but it is not always correct. He has to be working outside on a very hot day and get upset before he has any at all. Diamond dog food is good, however, they can change from bag to bag. Then one day I woke up with a horrible rash. Should I be concerned or seek medical advise. Although there is much debate on this issue, some believe that vinegar may worsen chronic ear infections. EC: Hi Courtney, can you please send us more info re: your dosage and recipe. Patience is needed because a yeast problem can take up to a year to clear, but we have high hopes and will have to keep her on this program (but at a lower dosage) for the rest of her life. I do suspect the same thing for my daughter. Is lymph detox or the armpit detox safe to do. 8 My physical therapist has been doing lymphatic drain to detox me. This Milk of Magnesia is the final step for me using any chemicals on my body. SMITTY says: 7. I had a red, itchy raised bumpy rash on both of my armpits. When I shave my arm pits, 12 hours later they itch like crazy. I kept using the natural deodorant and the darkness is now gone and no more inch. Hmmmm, but why would it only itch right after shaving. I suggest starting slowly and working up to a longer period of time once you see how your body adjust. Do some online research see if your dog has any other liver symptoms. Leslie says: 13. We have one guy that not only works, but also exhibits at Dog Shows. I keep it in a small jar during those months and apply with my fingers. Unfortunately and to my understanding the insect must get on your pet in order to kill it, thus ending life cycles. Could it have to do with lymphatic drainage. The human digestion system is very different than that of a dog. And 2- Would white vinegar or lemon juice work in substitute of ACV. Katie - Wellness Mama says: 49. Stephanie says: 70 Thank you for sharing this great idea. That probably developed because my dogs and I are vegans. Theresa says: 1. I feed my dogs real, organic food now to ensure a long healthy life. I could go for days with nothing on my right armpit and it would be fine. Readings around 7. 3. What your daughter needs is a gut cleanse, try to incorporate probiotic rich foods, and change her diet.

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